Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Wanna slim and sexy?

Wanna Slim and Sexy ?
Every women wanna have a perfect  body but absolutely healthy.Surelly, to lose weight , someone would have to eat less and presumably exercise more.So you wanna to be slim? Just  follow this tips method and you can get skinny: just remember that it should means different things to different people
1.      Firstly create a new good habit each day
2.      Change your life style like drinking soda, sweety food etc. Eating healthy is a very important thing and eat good also proportions though.
3.      Get your self into a Gym do thread mill one hour each day or do some sporting to burn more fat.Start doing push up and sit ups and less watching television and playing video games.
4.      Don’t eat late at night before you’re fully awake as said earlier, your body is less active at night meaning that you have a greater chance of turning that pizza or burger into pure fat than burning it as a source of energy.
5.      Use a smaller plate and say no to second helpings
6.      Drink as many glasses of water as possible at an average of 1 big glass an hour.The toxins in the body get flussed out and giving you a feeling of fullness at the same time.
7.      Make a note of what all you are eating perday and count the callories intake cut off some item that make you feel bigger.
8.      Make sure to believe in your self. It means no body is perfect or ugly but every one have unique and special in some way.
Once you start using this method, you may well be surprised at how easy and effective they can be and  how  little food your body actually wants.Remember if you wanna start a new nutritional or diet with exercise program clear it with your doctor first.

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